Monday, January 09, 2012

Hitchhikers' guide through the galaxy (The sequel)

Want to change the world?
Change yourself:
Don't like what you see? Just get a new pair of glasses,
see everything with new eyes,
what you search you will find.
search new truths,
what you desire you will get.
It is lying there for you, and no one is able to see it.
If you believe in it, if you really want it, you will get it.
Why? Just because you are king of your castle.
It is run by you, for you, to please just you.
Besides that there is no other purpose for you to be here.

Now, here's the catch: once you get it, keep it to yourself
Do not tell anyone, do not brag about it,
Protect it, keep it a secret, be discrete.

Once they suspect what you see, they will try to take it from you
They will brand it, label it, put a money value on it
And if they fail, they will try to make you unvalue it until you
lose your faith and your guard.

If you show them, then you already lost it: they will play around with it
as a new f'king toy, and you will play around with it as a old f'king toy,
but there will be no more joy from it, because you lost it, you just lost it.

You want to be normal?
Be ruthless, do not trust anyone, work undercover,
use different personalities consistently with the ones you have to relate with.
It is really a matter of national security.

Learn to negotiate.
Be a ratle snake:
kind for whom you want to please,
cold for whom you want to punish.
Be sharp, to the point,
There is no time to lose, so do not waste your time.
Just forget about other people's time.
There is no judge around besides yourself,
But beware: that judge will blaim you
for wasting your time, for not taking the advantage of being alive,
for falling in self-delusion and deceipt resulting from the inconsistencies
of your own thoughts, acts, and words.

There is no judge besides yourself,
Spare a few moments to take a deep breath.
Contemplate, listen, watch all the little details:
the beauty is all around you, and you are just missing it.
For these are truly your own unique creations.
All of these were made for you, by you, just to love them.

Oh, almost forgot: And the answer for the meaning of life is 47.

1 comment:

Tânia said...

Gostei :) bastante
