Sunday, December 25, 2005

O GRUPO BILDERBERG - Os senhores do mundo.

What are Bilderberg Conferences all about?

- The Bilderberg Secretariat proclaims the conferences to be '...private in order to encourage frank and open discussion'. Frank and open discussion is a good thing in any forum but when those doing the discussing are some of the very most powerful financiers and media tycoons in the world it begs the question: If what they discuss is for the good of ordinary people why not publicise it! Isn't it a perverted use of the word 'open' when no-one can find out what they're saying?

When such rich and powerful people meet up in secret, with military intelligence managing their security, with hardly a whisper escaping of what goes on inside, people are right to be suspicious. But the true power of Bilderberg comes from the fact that participants are in a bubble, sealed off from reality and the devastating implications on the ground of the black-science economic solutions on the table.

Bilderberg is an extremely influential lobbying group. That's not to say though that the organisers don't have a hidden agenda, they do, namely accumulation of wealth and power into their own hands whilst explaining to the participants that globalisation is for the good of all. It is also a very good forum for 'interviewing' potential future political figures such as Clinton (1991) and Blair (1993). [see above for more on this]

The ideology put forward at the Bilderberg conferences is that what's good for banking and big business is good for the mere mortals of the world. Silently banished are the critical voices, those that might point out that debt is spiralling out of control, that wealth is being sucked away from ordinary people and into the hands of the faceless corporate institutions, that millions are dying as a direct result of the global heavyweight

The Bilderberg organisers are accepted by those 'in the know' as the prophets of Capitalism. Will Hutton, deputy Editor of The Observer newspaper in London and left-leaning Economist, described private clubs of the elite as masterminded by 'The High Priests of Globalisation'. The ecclesiastical allusion is not accidental. The Bilderberg high-priests are a force against good, out to wipe morality from the earth. For the organisers Bilderberg Conferences are an annual ideological assault by the world's most power-hungry people. Not content with owning unimaginable amounts of money and property they want to use that wealth to acquire even more power for themselves. Power is the most dangerous and addictive drugs known to man.

And just like the Nazi party in the 1930's the global Capitalist Elite are rising in power by peaceful means. There are some very uncomfortable and unexplained connections between Bilderberg and the Nazis through the Conference's founder Prince Bernhard.
These crown princes of capital use violence at the sharp end - the destruction of dissent - the repossession of homes men and women have worked a lifetime for - needless deaths from starvation and geopolitical machinations - this violence is notable by its absence from the annual meetings.

One can't help but wonder, when the Bilderberg organisers, Rothschild, Rockefeller, Kissinger and the rest have completed their project of enclosing all global goods and services into their own hands, enclosing too the media to stop people freely discussing what they are up to. What then?? What happens when the men who would be gods turn out to be the global devils?

Participants 2004

The 52nd Bilderberg Meeting will be held in Stresa, Italy, 3-6 June 2004. The Conference will deal mainly with European American relations and in this context US Politics, Iraq, The Middle East., European Geopolitics, NATO, China, Economoic Problems and Energy......


Honorary Chairman - Davignon, Etienne - Vice-Chairman, Suez-Tractebel
Honorary Secretary General - Taylor, Martin - International Adviser, Goldman Sachs International
Nationalities of participants followed by names and partial portfolios

N - Auser, Svein - CEO, DnB NOR ASA
D - Ackermann, Josef - Chairman, Group Executive Committee, Deutsche Bank AG; Member of supervisory boards Siemens AG. & Bayer AG; Director, World Trade Center Memorial Foundation - [actually Ackermann is Swiss so why is he listed here as German?]
I - Ambrosetti, Alfredo - Chairman, Abbrosetti Group
TR - Babacan, Ali - Minister of Economic Affairs
P - Balsemao, Francisco Pinto - Chairman and CEO, IMPRESA, SGPS, Former Prime Minister
ISR - Barnavie, Elie - Department of General History, Tel-Aviv University
I - Benedetti, Rodolfo De - CEO, CIR
I - Bernabe, Franco - Vice Chairman, Rothschild Europe
F - Beytout, Nicolas - Editor In Chief, Les Echos
INT - Bolkestein, Frits - Commissioner for the Internal Market, European Commission, former leader of Dutch right wing Liberal Party VVD.
USA - Boot, Max - Neoconservative, Council on foreign Relations, Features Editor, Wall Street Journal
CH - Borel, Daniel - Chairman, Logitech International S.A.
I - Bortoli, Ferrucio de - CEO, RCS Libri
S - Brock, Gunnar - CEO, Atlas Copco AB
GB - Browne, John - Group Chief Executive, BP plc
NL - Burgmans, Antony - Chairman, Unilever NV
F - Camus, Phillipe - CEO, European Aeronautic Defence and Space NV
I - Caracciolo, Lucio - Director, Limes Geopolitical Review
F - Castries, Henri de - Chairman, AXA Insurance
E - Cebrian, Juan Luis - CEO, PRISA (Spanish language media company), former Chairman, International Press Institute
TR - Cemal, Hasan - Senior Columnist, Milliyet Newspaper
GB - Clarke, Kenneth - Member of Parliament (Con.), Deputy Chairman, British American Tobacco
USA - Collins, Timothy C - MD and CEO, Ripplewood Holdings LLC, Yale School of Management, Trilateral Commission
USA - Corzine, Jon S. - Senator (D, New Jersey), Chairman and CEO, Goldman Sachs
CH - Couchepin, Pascal - Former Swiss President, Head of Home affairs Dept.
GR - David, George A. - Chairman, Coca-Cola Hellenic Bottling Company SA
B - Dehaene, Jean-Luc - Former Prime Minister, Mayor of Vilvoorde
TR - Dervis, Kemal - Member of Parliament, former senior World bank official
GR - Diamantopoulou, Anna - Member of Parliament, former European Commissioner for Social Affairs
USA - Donilon, Thomas L - Vice-President, Fannie Mae, Council on Foreign Relations
I - Draghi, Mario - Vice Chairman and Managing Director, Goldman Sachs
USA - Edwards, John - Senator (D. North Carolina), Democratic Presidential Candidate
DK - Eldrup, Anders - Chairman, DONG gas company (becoming privatised) A/S
DK - Federspiel, Ulrik - Ambassador to the USA
USA - Feith, Douglas J. - Undersecretary for Policy, Department of Defense
I - Galateri, Gabriele - Chairman, Mediobanca
USA - Gates, Melinda F. - Co-Founder, Gates Foundation, wife of Bill Gates
USA - Geithner, Timothy F. - President, Federal Reserve Bank of New York
I - Giavazzi, Francesco - Professor of Economics, Bocconi University; adviser, world bank and European Central bank
IRL - Gleeson, Dermot - Chairman Allied Irish Bank Group (currently being investigated for personal and corporate tax evasion)
USA - Graham, Donald E. - Chairman and CEO, Washington Post Company
USA - Haas, Richard N. - President, Council on Foreign Relations, former Director of Policy and Planning staff, State Department
NL - Halberstadt, Victor - Professor of Economics, Leiden University
B - Hansen, Jean-Pierre - Chairman, Suez Tractabel SA
S - Heikensten, Lars - Governor, Swedish Central Bank
USA - Holbrooke, Richard C - Vice Chairman, Perseus, former Director, Council on Foreign Relations, former Assistant Secretary of State
USA - Hubbard, Allen B - President E&A Industries
USA - Issacson, Walter - President and CEO, Aspen Institute
USA - Janow, Merit L. - Professor, International Economic Law and International Affairs, Columbia University, member of apellate body, WTO
USA - Jordan, Vernon E. Senior Managing Director, Lazard Freres & Co LLC
USA - Kagan, Robert - Senior Associate, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
GB - Kerr, John - Director, Shell, Rio Tinto and Scottish American Investment Trust, former secretary of European Constitution Commission
USA - Kissinger Henry A. - Chairman, Kissinger Associates Inc.
TR - Koc, Mustafa V. - Chairman, Koc Holdings AS
NL - Koenders, Bert (AG) - Member of Parliament, president, Parliamentary Network of the World Bank
USA - Kovner, Bruce - Chairman Caxton Associates LLC, Chairman, American Enterprise Institute
USA - Kravis, Henry R. - Founding Partner, Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co., acquisitions financier
USA - Kravis, Marie Josee - Senoir Fellow, Hudson Institute Inc.
FIN - Lehtomaki, Paula - Minister of Foreigh Trade and Development
FIN - Lipponen, Paavo - Speaker of Parliament; former Prime Minister
CHN - Long, Yongtu - Secretary General, Boao forum for Asia - [actually his name shouiuld read "Tu, Yonglong" the Bilderberg secretariat mistyped it]
P - Lopes, Pedro M. Santana - Mayor of Lisbon
USA - Luti, William J. - Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs
CDN - Lynch, Kevin G. - Deputy Minister, Department of Finance
USA - Mathews, Jessica T. - President, Carnegie Endowment for International War Peace
USA - McDonough, William J. - Cahirman and CEO, Public Company Accounting Oversight Board, former president, Federal Reserve Bank of New York
CDN - McKenna, Frank - Counsel, McInnes Cooper, former premier of New Brunswick
I - Merlini, Cesare - Executive Vice Chairman, Council for the United States and Italy, Council on Foreign Relations, former director, Italian Institute for International Affairs
F - Montbrial, Thierry de - President, French Institute of International Relations
INT - Monti, Mario - Competition/Antitrust Commissioner, European Commission
USA - Mundie, Craig J. - Chief Technical Officer, Advanced Strategies and Policies, Microsoft Corporation
N - Myklebust, Egil - Chairman, Scandinavian Airline System (SAS)
D - Naas, Matthias - Deputy Editor, Die Zeit
NL - Netherlands, Beatrix HM Queen of The - Lady Shell, nuff said
GB - Neville-Jones, Pauline - Chairman, QuinetiQ (UK privatised military research/services company), governor of the BBC, Chairman Information Assurance Advisory Council, formar Chairman Joint Intelligence Committee, former Managing Director NatWest Markets
USA - Nooyi, Indra K. - President and CEO, PepsiCo Inc.
PL - Olechowski, Andrzej - Leader, Civic Platform
FIN - Ollila, Jorma - Chairman, Nokia Corporation
INT - Padoa-Schioppa, Tommaso - Director, European Central Bank
CY - Pantelides, Leonidas - Ambassoador to Greece
I - Passera, Corrado - CEO, Banca Intesa SpA
USA - Perle, Richard N. - Resident Fellow, American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research, former Likud policy adviser, former chair Defence Policy Board, former co-chairman, Hollinger Digital
B - Phillipe, HRH Prince
USA - Reed, Ralph E. - President, Century Strategies
CDN - Reisman, Heather - President and CEO, Indigo Books and Music Inc.
I - Riotta, Gianni - Editorialist, Corriere della Serra
USA - Rockefeller, David - Member JP Morgan International Council, Chairman, Council of the Americas
E - Riodriguez Inearte, Matias - Vice Chairman, Grupo Santander
USA - Ross, Dennis B - Director, The Washington Institute for Near East Policy
D - Sandschneider, Eberhard - Director, Research Institute, German Society for Foreign Policy
I - Scaroni, Paolo - CEO, Enel SpA
D - Schilly, Otto - Minister of the Interior
USA - Schnabel, Rockwell A. - Ambassador to the EU
A - Scholten, Rudolf - Director, Oesterreichische Kontrollbank AG
D - Schrempp, Jurgen E. - Chairman, DaimlerChrysler AG
E - Serra Rexach, Eduardo - Head, Real Institute Elcano
RUS - Shevtsova, Lilia - Senior Associate. Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
PL - Sikora, Slawomir - President and CEO, Citibank Handlowy
I - Siniscalo, Domenico - Director General Ministry of the Economy
P - Socrates, Jose - Member of Parliament
USA - Strmecki, Marin J. - Smith Richardson Foundation
B - Struye de Swielande, Dominique - Permanant repressentative of Belguim, NATO
IRL - Sutherland, Peter D. - Chairman, Goldman Sachs International, Chairman, BP plc
USA - Thornton, John L. - Chairman, Brookings Institution, Professor, Tsinghua University
I - Tremonti, Giulio - Minister of Economy and Finance
INT - Trichet, Jean-Claude - President, European Central Bank
I - Tronchetti Provera, Marco - Chairman and CEO, Pirelli SpA
N - Underdal, Arild - Rector, University of Oslo
CH - Vasella, Daniel L. - Chairman and CEO, Novartis AG
NL - Veer, Jeroen van der - Chairman, Committee of Managing Directors, Royal Dutch/Shell
GB - Verwaayen, Ben J. M. - CEO, British Telecom; former director, Lucent Technologies
I - Visco, Ignazio - Foriegn Affairs Manager, Banca D'Italia
INT - Vitorino, Antonio M. - Justice and Home Affairs Commissioner, European Union
INT - Vries, Gijs M. de - EU Counter Terrorism Co-ordinator
S - Wallenberg, Jacob - Chairman, SEB investments (including biotech); Chairman, W Capital Management AB
D - Weber, Jurgen - Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Deutche Lufthansa AG
GB/USA - Weinberg, Peter - CEO, Goldman Sachs International
NL - Wijers, Hans - Chairman, AkzoNobel NV
D - Wissmann, Matthias - Member of Parliament
GB - Wolf, Martin H. - Associate Editor/Economic Commentator, The Financial Times
INT/USA - Wolfenson, James D. - President, The World Bank
RUS - Yavlinsky, Grigory A. - Member of Parliament
USA - Yergin, Daniel - Chairman, Cambridge Energy Research Associates
D - Zumwinkel, Klaus - Chairman, Deutche Post Worldnet AG; Chairman, Deutche Telekom
GB - Rachman, Gideon - Brussels Correspondent, The Economist
GB - Wooldridge, Adrian D. - Foreign Correspondant, The Economist
Summary by nation
Austria 1
Belgium 4
Canada 3
Switzerland 3
China 1
Cyprus 1
Germany 8
Denmark 2
Spain 3
France 4
Finland 3
Great Britain 9
Greece 2
Italy 16
International 7
Ireland 2
Israel 1
Norway 3
Netherlands 6
Portugal 3
Poland 2
Russia 2
Sweden 3
Turkey 4
USA 33

Total 126

Bilderberg conference 2003: Versailles, Paris, France - Thursday 15th to Sunday 18th May

portuguese participants

P - Balsemão, Francisco Pinto - Professor of Communication Science, New University, Lisbon; Chairman and CEO, IMPRESA, S.G.P.S.; Former Prime Minister
P - Barroso, José M. Durão - Prime Minister
P - Rodrigues, Eduardo Ferro - Leader of the Socialist Party; Member of Parliament

Bilderberg Conference 2002 Chantilly, Virginia, U.S.A., 30 May-2 June

P Balsemão, Francisco Pinto - Professor of Communication Science, New University, Lisbon; Chairman of IMPRESA, S.G.P.S.
P Borges, António - Vice Chairman and Managing Director, Goldman Sachs
P Ferreira, Elisa Guimarães - Member of Parliament, Former Minister of Planning

Bilderberg 2001 - May 24-27 nr Gothenburg Sweden

portuguese participants

P. Balsemão, Francisco Pinto - Professor of Communication Science, New University of Lisbon; Chairman, Impresa SGPS; Former Prime Minister.
P. Martins, Guilherme. d'Oliveira. - Minister of Presidency
P. Moura, Vasco Graça - Member, European Parliament; 1st Vice President, Committee on Culture, Youth, Education, the Media and Sport

2000 Bilderberg Conference, June 1-3, Brussels, Belgium
Chateau Du Lac Hotel, Genval, Brussels

portuguese participants

P, Balsemão, Francisco Pinto; Professor of Communication Science, New University, Lisbon; Chairman, IMPRESA, S.G.P.S.
P, Gouveia, Teresa Patrício; Member of Parliament (PSD)

June 1999
Hotel Caesar Park Penha Longa, Sintra, PortugalJune 3-6, 1999

portuguese participants

P - Amaral, Joaquim Freitas do Amaral - Member of Parliament.
P - Balsemão, Francisco Pinto - Professor os Communication Science, New University; Chairman, Impresa, S.G.P.S.
P - Cravinho, João Cardona G. - Minister for Infrastructure, Planning and Territorial Administration.
P - Grilo, Eduardo C. Marçal - Miniter of Education
P - Mello, Vasco de - Vice Chairman and CEO, Grupo José de Mello.
P - Nabo, Francisco Murteira - President and CEO, Portugal Telecom.
P - Salgado, Ricardo E.S. - President and CEO, Grupo Espírito Santo.
P - Sampaio, Jorge - President of Portugal.
P - Santos, Nicolau - Editor-in-Chief, Expresso.
P - Silva, Artur Santos - President and CEO, BPI Group.


Anonymous said...

Na tua opinião qual o impacto deste grupo na vaga de invasão terceirio mundista na Europa e na perseguição aos movinmentos Nacionalistas na Europa.

Not-so-funny-guy (NSF) Guy said...

Eles vêm os movimentos Nacionalistas com algo contra o sistema que eles instituiram e que está tão bem a funcionar. Eles querem que a Europa tenha ainda mais pessoas, e quanto mais pobres melhor pois não têm muita escolha. O ideal é chegar a um Brasil, onde os poucos ricos andam de Helicóptero e os pobres (tudo o resto) andam-se a matar uns aos outros no meio das ruas. Ora a morte alimenta o negócio das armas e o stress causado promove as violações e o sexo, contribuindo para a natalidade e o negócio das fraldas Dodot. É deste ciclo que o grupo mais necessita, um ciclo de consumismo, um ciclo de derramamento de sangue, de vícios, um ciclo imoral, mas sobretudo lucrativo. E quanto mais pessoas (de preferencia analfabetos) houver para perpetuar este ciclo melhor - e convém que a quantidade de mortes seja elevada assim como a quantidade de nascimentos, pois só assim se mantém o ritmo de expansão económica.
É como alguém já aqui disse, é pura agro-pecuária. Os donos, bom já sabemos quem eles são. Quem se lixa? Quem se lixa são aqueles que ainda têm alguns direitos num estado transitivo de coisas, mas que vai inevitavelmente perder esses direitos todos, para serem colocados em currais juntamente com os outros animais vindos do farOeste africano.

PlanetaTerra said...


--- Isto não tem nada que saber!!!
--- Os Mega-Capitalistas - dotados de fortunas colossais - estão fortemente empenhados em lançar o CAOS no Planeta... para depois... poderem colocar um FIM à Civilização aonde existiam Países no Planeta!...
--- E depois [ nota: com o fim do Serviço Militar Obrigatório... as Forças Armadas ficaram reduzidas a profissionais... que irão trabalhar para quem lhes pagar mais...] com 'meia-dúzia' de Mercenários muito bem pagos [ e dotados de armas de alta tecnologia ]... os Mega-Capitalistas vão poder - a partir do CAOS... - erguer uma NOVA CIVILIZAÇÃO no Planeta:
---> um PLANETA PRIVADO... com Senhores Donos do Mundo -> um Neo-Feudalismo à escala global!!!

---> NOTA 1: Não nos devemos preocupar com os SEPARATISMOS!!! Pelo contrário, para COMBATER A PRIVATIZAÇÃO DO PLANETA, devemos dar TODO O APOIO àqueles que estão interessados em Combater o CAOS... ou seja... estão interessados numa ORDEM: a preservação da SUA Identidade num território!...

---> NOTA 2: Os Nacionalistas que apelam à Guerra Civil Étnica.., ou seja, apelam ao CAOS... não passam duns IDIOTAS ÚTEIS ao serviço dos Mega-Capitalistas!!!


Macillum said...

Merete Eldrup, um dos directores do jornal que publicou o cartoon, o Morgenavisen Jillands-Post, é esposa de Anders Eldrup, presidente da DONG, companhia de gás dinamarquesa e participante do secretivo Grupo Bilderberg nos últimos 5 anos.

Anonymous said...

Discussão interessante neste blogue, postagens deste modo demonstram valor a quem observar neste blogue :/
Escreve mais deste web site, aos teus leitores.