Thursday, June 25, 2015

Politic training trailer

English bellow. Em Portugal foi até mais doloroso,  e ainda o está a ser,  uma daquelas dores silenciosas de injustiça latente de falência de um sonho, de um país,  e essencialmente de uma Europa imaginada que afinal nunca chegou na realidade após estes anos todos. A única diferença é que os gregos refizeram a chamada tragédia grega, para trabalhar com a união as fundações de uma Europa justa, próspera, estável (para o que depois do que se passou do outro lado do oceano: ser sensível à liquidez dos americanos após o filme de WallStreet "Lemon Brothers",  nunca volte a acontecer), e sobretudo democrática e livre: poder ser imprevisível mas ainda assim respeitar a sua própria lei.

O teatro grego compete com o cinema hollywoodesco do FMI e da FED e dos 9/11's Americanos. Significa que ao menos estão vivos, e levantam os braços para trabalhar uma solução de crescimento. Daqui vão surgir muitos livros aposto. De resto ambos ganharam,  excepto os governantes tugas que se acobardaram sem qualquer convicção pois são iletrados em economia devido aos seus cursos comprados como é norma nestes partidos fantoche.

Em Inglês: In Portugal it was even more painful,  and it still is, one of those silent pain of sheer bankruptcy of values, of a country, but essentially of an imagined Europa that in reality never came after all these years. The only difference is that the Greek reinvented their Greek tragedy play, in order to work with the union,  the foundations of a new Europa, of justice,  prosperity,  stability (so that after what happened in the other side of the Atlantic: be too much sensitive to the American equity problems, after the WallStreet movie "Lemon Brothers" that's still shooting,  never happen again), and more importantly: democracy and freedom to be unpredictable but still respect our own law.

The Greek theatre play fights with the hollywoodesque motion picture of the FMI and FED, aside the frequent american 9/11's (I also prefer hacker stuff). It means that at least they are alive,  and they raise their arms to work on a solution for growth.  From here many books will be written I bet. Anyways both win, except for the Portuguese government that run away without conviction,  because they are ignorant in economics due to their fake counterfeited diplomas, as usual happens on dummy parties.

praise all the beauty

oh let me be racist,
the black are spiritual and warm,
they believe in speaking only with their minds
and so they achieve a level of telepathic powers
that the others are still trying to achieve.

oh let me love her,
just because she's so(-o/ur)real.

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Understanding gravity.

If we were the size of the planet, we would feel the pull of the sun, while spinning around it. The spin is resultant from collisions between almost arbitrary celestial bodies (bound only by their level of energy) while growing in volume.
If we were the size of the sun, we would feel the pull of the center of the galaxy, and as well of the neighbour stars. Falling, down, in the verge of the galaxy.
The whole universe is falling into the void, the imense puller.
Believing that it is finite, is admiting that some day it will end.
The story does not end, the story is.

Reality's manifestation is often hidden from our very eyes, from prejudice of small predicaments that on the one hand gives us reassurement and confidence, but on the other builds a rather limited view of reality. Limited views are not less important than global views, but in order to realize some particular interesting properties, we do need to grasp the mistery of randomness, in a layered approach: starting from the transitive closure of all the elements (concepts, cognitions, facts, instances) and classify them into new elements (concepts, cognitions, facts, instances) by means of small bijective functions. The result is again classified to build new elements. 

Our layered approach will only truly end in the powerset of relations classified from our initial set of elements. Therefore, there can be also relations between the first elements and the second elements, and also the first elements and the third elements, and so forth... and despite being multi-level (i.e., between elements generated multiple layers) they will still belong to the powerset, because a subset of a powerset can also by itself generate the subset's powerset.

At each layer, we can already learn from how reality manifests itself, with simple relations that might explain the very fenomena's existence. The statistical analysis can already give us a first model. However,  after the first train, we will still need to take into account the relations between the first relations (i.e., how they do relate), compose them into new ones, and perform another statistical analysis on both the first elements and the second elements.

Finally, at the multi-layer perspective, the classification of just three element together with the classification of their classification, will form of a transfinite powerset. 

When to stop?

Well, the interpretation of random fenomena will eventually fit a limited subset of classifying objects of this transfinite powerset. In the case of true randomness, the size of this subset with statistical(-ly observed) relevance will be necessarily increasingly higher.

Some references:

Sunday, March 01, 2015

What? Those were built (3d-printed and assembled) inside the​ ISS, while using the resources from nearby meteorites (and generally collected orbital debris)? 
What are they for? To repair the ISS or to gather more resources?
You know what? Space is a little bit boring, with so much things happening down here...
How about having materials to dig lower than 4 kms (~ world record), in order to better explore the enormous amount of energy from the upper mantle resources? Maybe those satellites can better work autonomously there (6ft under).
What if we just send all non-recyclable trash and so on, directly to HELL (the big furnace 1000 kms down), and get a big energy burst in return?
That would be a show...

Saturday, February 21, 2015

brave new ordering...


  1. Population
  2. Geographic space/territory
    • Virtual space/domain
    • Time space
  3. Flow / control
  4. Energy / plant
  5. Knowledge
    • Satisfaction/Conformance
    • Instantiation or Exemplification
  6. Belief
    • Measurement/observation
    • Level of detail/abstraction/reduction (LOD) and precision/hide-level.
Ordered Axioms:
  1. Population have a homogeneous distribution on the Habitable Geographic space.
  2. Globally Recognized Resources (GR2).
  3. Population have a homogeneous distribution on a Virtual space (VS) generated around a GR2.
  4. Population have a Geographical normal distribution around a GR2.
  5. A Population define a set of Global Reasoning Peers (GRP).
  6. Happiness have a homogeneous distribution over the Population.
Stability rules:
  1. Starts as a crowd-funded world-wide project, on penetration phase, and continues with its own currency.
  2. Currency is re-defined as a measurement of Globally Recognized Humanism (GRH).
  3. Influence power of a given Knowledge Resource (KR) in a given group is taking into account in the GRH calculation, and hence currency.
  4. A consensus of a given concept recognition is voted by all interested peers, in order to reach Global Consensus (GC) around an open VS generated to achieve GC over a given concept / concern / (physical \ metaphysical) property.
  5. Levels of ignorance/knowledge and GC are constantly measured by an Automated Questioning Game System (AQGS) based on free speech (see
  6. In case of inability to achieve GC, Interested Groups (GC) from a particular VS may synthesize and publicize a given (incomplete) Local Consensus (LC) or policies.
  7. In the case of limited computation resources, or lag from the voters due on a particular time-frame (also defined by consensus), some LC are elected in order to have execution priority in rule/law application (there is no human election).
  8. Every automatically-synthesized policy is scheduled for execution upon automated approval of all the peers.
  9. Knowledge is acquired in the balance of Happiness, which is measured on perceived frustration on each reasoning peer, as a balance between innovation (learning new things) and routine (the every-day ritual of teaching).
  10. Belief is computed as the ratio of the size of the biggest GCs, versus the number of LCs and their size. Which means that there may be an intersection in apparently sparse knowledge graphs, hence the uncertainty factor.

Monday, June 24, 2013

The Queuing Line

So lets revamp knowledge about the smallest dick of her hole-life.

So, as McKenna says: "the pattern repeats itself (always) at another scale",
(1) but it wasn't because we created it (i.e., the pattern, or its repetition), or even discovered it (as some Schrödinger's fans might say). It was because it existed long before our own existence as a human consciousness, as if the human consciousness itself is again a repetition of the ant civilization and this same axiom is again a pattern of what some ant civilization might have thought in some mysterious night.

And today I've noticed yet another pattern.

It was in a hot day of June (almost July),
that I was driving, almost getting to my place,
and I was almost thanking God for my car,
which never heated up (to total chaos) during the trip.

Almost, My Beloved God (hope not in vain)! Almost!
In the next five seconds, I saw it: the Queuing Line.
It was horrendous, a enormous snake extended for miles,
And no way I would go back or turn around.

And then, it started, the horrendous freak-show during the
enormous stairs of the fastidious (hot road) snake.
I felt like: first denial, then anger and revolt,
I was again waiting, wasting my life, my cells,
And it was just because of some lawmaker
which had decided to again:
                                            renewal the tar from the road!

It was a politician they would say! Getting some votes!

I felt revolt, I felt to go against the law,
to go on the emergency lane!
I knew it was just a test,
it was the cops waiting for a tipping excuse (and they were also there indeed).

I felt the rage to scream, to blow the whistle,
to just shout and horn, to just show my discontent!
So that everyone could express their feelings.
so that everyone could feel part of the same body..

But then all I saw, were workers, a cop-worker maintaining things quiet,
the tar-workers, also trying to survive the heat.
I loved so much the picture, I could have literally draw it with my crayons.

I felt the rage to scream, to at least vote against this lawmaker,
just to change the course of history, 
to kill all these snakes that just stops our will, our peace of mind.

But no one wanted to feel part of this infamous snake of pain,
At the smaller scale of a road between districts
(my place stays in the other district)

My own excuse was that:
"This road stands above my jurisdiction!
"it is in another district",
My feeling was that sense of coward slaves,
when they are just unable to do anything to
protect themselves from these atrocities.

At a larger scale, also the world is filled with
queuing lines of slaves, the snakes that stops you,
that makes you old and dull, and boring,
that keeps you from feeling happy, from being free,
from being here right now.

It is no problem to follow other people,
as long as they are as fast as you,
as long as they keep the pace with you.
It is a problem when people keeps you,
from moving.. in their own private queues,
so that you are unable to even born again into this world...
of queues..

Now you might wonder, what was it all about the short dick?
Any resemblance with queuing lines (waiting for their turn to mate),
Is just pure coincidence!
Pure Coincidence!

Monday, January 09, 2012

Hitchhikers' guide through the galaxy (The sequel)

Want to change the world?
Change yourself:
Don't like what you see? Just get a new pair of glasses,
see everything with new eyes,
what you search you will find.
search new truths,
what you desire you will get.
It is lying there for you, and no one is able to see it.
If you believe in it, if you really want it, you will get it.
Why? Just because you are king of your castle.
It is run by you, for you, to please just you.
Besides that there is no other purpose for you to be here.

Now, here's the catch: once you get it, keep it to yourself
Do not tell anyone, do not brag about it,
Protect it, keep it a secret, be discrete.

Once they suspect what you see, they will try to take it from you
They will brand it, label it, put a money value on it
And if they fail, they will try to make you unvalue it until you
lose your faith and your guard.

If you show them, then you already lost it: they will play around with it
as a new f'king toy, and you will play around with it as a old f'king toy,
but there will be no more joy from it, because you lost it, you just lost it.

You want to be normal?
Be ruthless, do not trust anyone, work undercover,
use different personalities consistently with the ones you have to relate with.
It is really a matter of national security.

Learn to negotiate.
Be a ratle snake:
kind for whom you want to please,
cold for whom you want to punish.
Be sharp, to the point,
There is no time to lose, so do not waste your time.
Just forget about other people's time.
There is no judge around besides yourself,
But beware: that judge will blaim you
for wasting your time, for not taking the advantage of being alive,
for falling in self-delusion and deceipt resulting from the inconsistencies
of your own thoughts, acts, and words.

There is no judge besides yourself,
Spare a few moments to take a deep breath.
Contemplate, listen, watch all the little details:
the beauty is all around you, and you are just missing it.
For these are truly your own unique creations.
All of these were made for you, by you, just to love them.

Oh, almost forgot: And the answer for the meaning of life is 47.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Enumerações Exaustivas

Realmente enamoro-me com tudo,
Como pode alguém gostar de mim?

Habituei-me a pensar que era uma coisa boa
poder apreciar os pequenos silêncios das coisas:
do plástico, da madeira a estalar, do silêncio da noite,
das chaves a tintilar...

como se desfilassem diante mim e exibissem a sua beleza
neste curto teatro que é a minha vida:
desde a ante-estreia que a minha audiência procurou autênticidade
tal como eu procurei autênticidade nela, mas só vi mentiras e
falsas verdades, e recusei ver tudo o resto que parecia acidental,
mas na verdade era um amontoado de pequenos pedaços de espelhos partidos
no chão que as pessoas procuram no meio dos escombros de um enorme
espelho que se lhes volta a unir todos os dias durante o sono...

Realmente temo ter medo de não gostar,
Realmente temo não gostar,
Realmente não gosto.
Como pode alguém gostar de mim?

Realmente temo não ter medo,
Realmente não tenho medo,
Realmente não tenho é jeito.
Como posso de alguém gostar?

Habituei-me a pensar que para gostar de mim
próprio teria de ter mais audiência que não eu próprio.
Agora penso que não sou mais que o meu reflexo.
Agora penso que sou ambos:
o espelho vaidoso que se olha nele próprio
e a criança cega que chora no escuro dos confins do universo
do diâmetro da impossibilidade.