Friday, February 25, 2005

pen pall letter...Europe - Japan

Hi again Noriyuki
hehe working a lot i see...
here in portugal just a few people work a lot. Almost nobody likes to work or even read...
here in portugal we got one of the worst rates of people who finishes the secondary school...
Too many people here gets out of school just to get some precarious jobs.
Even if they dont get job the state gives them money just to spend...
I heared that there in japan people give too much importance to education and school.
I think this is very very good, thats why you got one of the greatest economy in the world.

Anthropology is very nice. I like to study the human being, and theyr cultural and biological caracteristics. I hope once i could get to the misterious kyoto town to learn more about primats.
I am very upset of living in europe. I think that theres a big inversion of the justice and value patterns here in europe. People are always talking about human rights...
People kills and nothing happens because of human rights.
The police can't do anything...
Here in portugal the killers and burglers got the guns and the police canot use theyr guns...
In the prision the prisioners got all the rights...the guards canot do anything to stop the prisioners from doing bad things...
here the prisioners do nothing,they dont work a bit , just stay in the prision eating for free... and then the international amnistyes sets them free...

there's a lot of problems with imigrants here in europe too...
In netherlands ,Deuchland and France, and so on... because they got all the homes and so, and the national citizens got nothing, just pay taxes...
there are too many imigrants here in europe.
the great cityes are full of foreiner people and because of that the national citizens have to move away...
there are starting a lot of etnical conflicts including with muslim people coming from turkey because they got diferent values and rights and want to make a lot of imoral stuff here...
Did you heared about a movie maker called Theodore Van Gog?
He was from netherlands and did a movie about muslim woman being spanked in islamic countryes... and, in the other day he got killed...the islamic world is slowly puting in question our free speach and liberty of thinking...

it seems that i only can talk bad things about this place but actualy the europe seems to be the unfairest place in the world to me...
i hope you to right me back telling me more things about japan and the way of living there....i'd like to know more about what you said about the lack of freedom there...because here in europe people are always confusing freedom with discipline ...
here theres lots and lots of freedom...
freedom to put garbage on the streets...
freedom to glue chewing gum on the eletric posts...
freedom to make noise with your car wissle just because you want too...
i read some things about singapore and i liked...there there's a lot of true discipline.

i wait for you to right me back now.
take care Noriyuki

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