Wednesday, January 26, 2005


Foi encontrado o blog mais util da blogosfera! nunca se vio nada assim. A oitava maravilha do mundo em termos de informação...uma revolução coperniciana sobre tudo aquilo que se pode escrever num blog:

eis dois dos melhores exemplos discursivos do dito cujo, dignos de um autentico discurso politico:

1 - Looking at a wall (dull, May 19)
"I was standing quite near to a wall. I turned my attention towards it for a few moments. Having done this for several seconds I turned away from it and carried on doing something else. "

2 - Moving an item from one place to another (dull, July 21)
"There was an object occupying a space on my table. Using my hand I picked up the item from its place. Having considered my options for a moment I placed the object on a different area of the table. "

Os meus parabéns.

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